학술대회명: 국제치매학회(AAICAD)
개최 시기: 2011년 7월 16일-21일
장소: 프랑스, 파리
초록 접수기한: 공식초록접수기한은 마감
조기등록기한: 5월 13일
관련 홈페이지: http://www.alz.org/icad/
Visit alz.org/ICAD now to make all of your travel arrangements in one stop. Register, select a hotel and purchase a flight to get on your way to Paris. We have negotiated rates to help you save on your travel arrangements.
New! Physician and Clinician Preconference.
AAICAD is proud to introduce a new preconference on Saturday, July 16. Designed for practicing physicians, it will include information on:
- Research, including new diagnostic criteria, diagnostic process and disease-modifying drugs.
- Early identification, including screening.
- Medical treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Ongoing care management.
- Research opportunities for general practitioners.
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